Frequently asked questions

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The Queensland Government currently has a number of online services that require a customer login.

For extra security, some of these services will also need you to prove your 'digital identity'. To prove your digital identity, an online document verification system will cross-check the personal information and reference numbers of ID documents that you provide. This will prove that your digital identity matches your real-world identity. It is an important part of keeping your personal information safe and secure.

The following are some of the most frequently asked questions about using a login and proving your digital identity to access Queensland Government services.

Why do I need to log in? ( )
How do I log in? ( )
Creating a password for a QGov login ( )
What if I forget my QGov login password? ( )
What are the benefits of a login? ( )
Why do I need to 'step up' my login? ( )
Why do I need to register my mobile number? ( )
Why do I need to prove my digital identity? ( )
How do I prove my digital identity? ( )
What documents do I need to prove my digital identity? ( )
How do I provide 100 points of identification? ( )
Do my personal details need to match my documents? ( )
How do I enter my document details? ( )
How are my documents checked? ( )
What does this error message mean? ( )
How do I prove my identity at a customer centre? ( )
What happens if I can't prove my digital identity? ( )
How do I change my details? ( )
How do I change my date of birth? ( )
How do I share my personal details? ( )
How do I view my usage history? ( )
How do I delete the digital identity linked to my login? ( )
How do I close my QGov login? ( )
How do I link (or unlink) my logins? ( )
Why do we use confirmation codes? ( )
How secure is my login? ( )
Is my privacy protected? ( )

Why do I need to log in?

Logging in lets you access an increasing range of Queensland Government services online and keep your transactions secure.

How do I log in?

You will need a login (i.e. a username and password) to access our online services and keep your transactions secure.

Individual login

You can log in (or register) as an individual using any of the following:

  • Queensland Government (QGov) login
  • Google account
  • Microsoft account.

Business login

You can log in (or register) as a business using myGovID. AUSkey and myGov credentials have been replaced with the myGovID credential.

For customers using a myGovID to login:

  • their myGovID must be linked to an Australian business number (ABN); and
  • level of access must be set to Full for the QGov login agency service

in the Australian Government Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) service.

For detailed information about the use of myGovID visit ( ).

Creating a password for a QGov login

Passwords must be at least 10 characters, and consist of at least 3 of the following:

  • upper case letters
  • lower case letters
  • numbers
  • any of the following special characters ( ):
    ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ Space

What if I forget my QGov login password?

Request password ( )—Get a temporary password sent to you in an email or text message. When you log in, we will ask you to create a new one.

What are the benefits of a login?

A login lets you:

  • access multiple Queensland Government services securely ( ) with a single login
  • log in with a Queensland Government (QGov), Google or Microsoft account (for individuals)
  • log in with myGovID (for businesses)
  • control your personal information ( )
  • view your usage history.

Why do I need to 'step up' my login?

For extra security, some of our online services may ask you to 'step up' your login. You can do this by either:

  • using another, more secure login (i.e. QGov)
  • confirming an SMS code sent to your mobile phone.

Why do I need to register my mobile number?

You will need to register a mobile number against your identity to:

  • step up your login ( )
  • change your details ( )
  • visit a customer centre ( ) (i.e. to prove your identity in-person).

Why do I need to prove my digital identity?

For your security, some Government services may require proof of your identity to successfully complete the service online.

This makes sure that it's you completing your requested service—not someone else.

How do I prove my digital identity?

To prove your digital identity you must:

  • use a strong login (i.e. QGov), or strengthen your login ( ) by confirming an SMS code sent to your mobile phone
  • enter your personal details (e.g. name and date of birth) ( )
  • select and complete the specific information relating to your identity documents ( )
  • have your documents successfully checked ( )
  • when prompted, agree to share your personal details ( ) with the services you are completing.

If you are unable to prove your identity using our online service, you may choose to visit a customer centre to prove your identity. You must meet the requirements in the instructional checklist provided to you when you register for this option ( ).

You only need to prove your digital identity once. Once you prove your digital identity, your login will be updated and you will not need to do this again when accessing Government services online in the future.

If you need to change your personal details ( ), then you will need to submit documents that support your new details.

What documents do I need to prove my digital identity?

To prove your digital identity online, you will need to submit documents that support your following personal details:

  • given name
  • middle name (if applicable)
  • family name
  • date of birth.

Note—Entering your middle name is optional if you choose to use identity documentation that does not contain your Middle name.

Documents are categorised as either primary or secondary.

To prove your digital identity you will need to submit:

  • one or more primary document/s with your full date of birth
  • enough documents to make up 100 points of ID
  • at least one document that shows your middle name (if entered)
  • documents that closely match your personal details ( ).

How do I provide 100 points of identification?

You must provide a total of 100 points of Australian or state-issued documentation to prove your digital identity.

Different types of identity documents are worth different points (see table below). You can use different combinations of documents to make up your 100 points, but you must include at least one primary document as part of your 100 points.

Primary documents Points
Australian visa 40
Birth certificate 50
Certificate of Australian citizenship 50
Driver licence 60
Passport 50
Secondary documents Points
Change of name certificate 40
Marriage certificate 40
Medicare card 40

Do my personal details need to match my documents?

Given name and family name

You must provide documents that match both your given name and family name.

Only one document can list a different family name, unless you provide a marriage certificate that shows you have changed your name to either:

  • your spouse's name
  • a combination of your maiden name and your spouse's name using a hyphen or space.

Change of name documents cannot be used to support a change of your name between documents.

Note: If you have a single name only, at this stage, we cannot verify these documents online. You will have to contact the referring agency where you can check for other options to access their services, such as phone or counter.

Date of birth

You can use a document that has your partial date of birth (e.g. month and year only), but you must provide one primary document with your full date of birth.

How do I enter my document details?

The information that you enter in the 'Your details' section are copied into the document fields when you select the documents you want to use to prove your digital identity.

For help entering document details, check the hints provided within the fields on the screen or the document examples provided.

  • Enter document details exactly as they appear on your document, including the leading zeroes on numbers.
  • Use the calendar pop-up to enter dates, where provided.
  • If your document lists a partial date, enter the partial date only. Please note that if you use the calendar pop-up it will enter a full date. You can type over or delete any part of a date field.
  • Passports up to 3 years out of date may be used. Other documents that have been cancelled or have expired are not accepted.
  • For Medicare cards, if you have a name that goes over more than one line on your card, use the 'long name on multiple lines' option and enter your name exactly as shown on your card.

Note: Each state has different document formats and different information, which may change over time. The examples show you where to find the required information. Be careful to choose the right example.

How are my documents checked?

We use the Document Verification Service (DVS) to check that the details you provide match the records held by the agency which issued the document.

DVS does not provide us with any of your details or the reason for a failed match.

There is a limit on the number of failed checks allowed.

What does this error message mean?

While proving your digital identity online, you may receive the following types of errors:

  • Invalid data in a field

Details are checked in the system before being sent to the Document Verification System.

Hint: if you click on the error message shown at the top it will take you to the field with the error.

  • You have not supplied a primary document

You must supply at least one primary document ( ).

  • Your details are not supported by your documents

Your details must be supported by the information in your documents. A possible cause for the error may be the middle name you have submitted is not supported by any documents.

  • A document failed to verify

    • Carefully check the details of the document.
    • Use the document examples to identify the fields and information formats that are required for your specific document.
    • You are allowed 3 attempts before you need to log in again.
  • A document type cannot be verified

Due to a technical problem, one of the documents you supplied is not able to be checked by the issuer of the document at this time. Please try a different document type, or try again later.

  • Your document cannot be verified

The agency who issued your document is not able to verify your document as it is older than what can be checked electronically at this time. Please use a different document type.

How do I prove my identity at a customer centre?

If you are unable to prove your details online, you will be provided with an option to prove your identity in-person at Brisbane, Beaudesert, Cairns, Gatton or Maroochydore customer centres.

At the counter you can:

  • use a wider range of documents to prove your identity, such as credit/bank cards and utilities/telecommunication documents
  • gain extra points for a document with a photo ID
  • prove your details if you have changed your name via marriage or a change of name

Before visiting a customer centre, you will:

  • receive a checklist, at the time of registering to prove your identity at a customer centre, that explains what documents you will need to bring with you
  • be required to bring your mobile phone with the number you registered online. At the counter, you will be sent a code to this mobile to allow our staff to securely link to your login without you having to share your password.

Some constraints still apply:

  • You will not be able to use documents where the online issuing authority finds incorrect details.
  • Documents that can be verified by the online issuing authority must have details matching your name.
  • All date of birth entries must match.

What happens if I can't prove my digital identity?

If we are unable to prove your digital identity, you will be returned to the agency service where you can check for other options to access that service, such as phone or counter.

How do I change my details?

Once you have recorded your details successfully you can change them by providing documents that support the new details. To help protect your digital identity you will need to verify a mobile phone number.

  1. Before logging in, click the Manage QGov identity link.
  2. Log in using your preferred login.
  3. Click the Change your details link.
  4. You will need to verify a mobile phone before you can change your details.
  5. You may update your name as required. You will need to provide details from documents to support your change just as you did when you first proved your details ( ).
  6. Click the Continue button

How do I change my date of birth?

To change your date of birth, you will need to close your QGov Identity ( ) and re-prove your digital identity using documents which support your new date of birth.

Be aware that a Queensland Government service might not allow you access to records you established using a different date of birth.

How do I share my personal details?

Note - This FAQ does not apply when you have selected to login with QGov from the QLD Digital Identity login screen ( ).

When you access a Queensland Government online service, you may need to share your personal information with the agency to enable the service to be completed online.

Your personal information may include:

  • given name
  • middle name
  • family name
  • date of birth
  • login username (e.g. email).

You may choose either of the following options:

  • Share your personal details just this once by clicking the Continue button.
  • Always share your personal details by first checking the box. If you choose to share your details just once, you will be asked if you want to share your personal details each time you access an online service which requires this information.

It is important to note that if you choose to always share your personal details, extra details you add later are automatically shared.

To change your existing preference:

  1. Before logging in, click the Manage QGov identity link.
  2. Log in using your preferred login.
  3. Click the Change sharing preference link.
  4. Check, or clear, the checkbox to set your preference.
  5. Click the Continue button.

How do I view my usage history?

  1. Before logging in, click the Manage QGov identity link.
  2. Log in using your preferred login.
  3. Click the View usage link. This will display your 10 most recent transactions using your login. Links above the Return button allow you to view up to 100 transactions over the last 18 months.

How do I delete the digital identity linked to my login?

  1. Before logging in, click the Manage QGov identity link.
  2. Log in using your preferred login.
  3. Click the Close QGov identity link.
  4. Click the Continue button.

How do I close my QGov login?

  1. Before logging in, click the Manage your QGov account link.
  2. Log in using your QGov login.
  3. Click the Close QGov account link.
  4. Click the Continue button.

How do I link (or unlink) my logins?

If you have more than 1 login, you can link (and unlink) logins as you choose.

  1. When logging in, click the Manage QGov identity link.
  2. Click the Manage linked accounts link.
  3. To link a new login, click the Add log in account button then follow the prompts to verify and link your login.
  4. To unlink a login, click the Unlink option for the login you wish to remove.

Linking logins could be helpful when using an individual login for personal matters and a business login for business matters.

Note: You must have at least one login, otherwise you will be required to delete your digital identity ( ).

Why do we use confirmation codes?

We use confirmation codes to make sure that you made a change—not someone else. The code is sent to your registered contact email or mobile number, which only you can access.

How secure is my login?

Just like a bank, we use best-practice security.

Security measures include:

  • building the service to conform with international web standards and best practice in security design
  • hosting the service separately to agency services
  • testing against new internet security threats regularly.

You can help keep your login secure by:

  • creating a strong password ( ) that is difficult for someone else to guess—and not telling anyone! (We will never ask for your password in an email or over the phone.)
  • logging out when you have finished, and closing your browser if you're using a shared computer. (Don't forget you may need to also log out of your Google (or other) account if you have used this as a log in.)
  • monitoring the email address we use to contact you for any changes to your QGov login—contact us ( ) immediately if you did not make a change
  • learning how to recognise scams ( ) and protect your information online ( ).
  • Is my privacy protected?

    Your privacy is protected.

    • We only ask for and keep information about you that is essential to operating the service.
    • We do not disclose any information—about you or about which government services you use—to the provider of any login.
    • We apply strong controls in proving your details ( ) before allowing them to be stored or changed in a QGov Identity.
    • We allow you to control the release of your details ( ) back to the agency service that has requested you to login.
      Note - This dot point does not apply when you have selected to login with QGov on the QLD Digital Identity login screen ( ).

    View our privacy statement ( )